
The terminal is located in the Utilities/ folder in the Applications/ folder of your hard drive. Open terminal (create a shortcut to it in the dock if you want, since we will be using it a lot with the command-line chuck). In the terminal go to the bin/ directory (replace chuck-x.x.x.x-exe with the actual directory name). Dec 27, 2018 The miniAudicle is a light-weight Cocoa-based integrated development environment for the ChucK audio programming language. It can be used as a standalone ChucK development/runtime/on-the-fly programming environment, or in conjunction with traditional command-line modes of 'chuck' operation and with other chuck tools. ChucK-1.4.x.x is part of the NumChucKs release of ChucK - so named because ChucK has been completely refactored to facilitate embedding into other systems, and you can instantiated any number of ChucK VM's in those systems. For support, discussion, updates, or if you have anything to share with other users, join and post to one of the forums or mailing lists.

Hello ChucK:
This tutorial was written for the command line version of ChucK (currently the most stable and widely supported). Other methods of running ChucK includes the miniAudicle(now on all major platforms) and the Audicle(in pre-pre-alpha). The code is the same, but the way to run them differs, depending the ChucK system.
The first thing we are going to do is do generate a sine wave and send to the speaker so we can hear it. We can do this easily ChucK by connecting audio processing modules (unit generators) and having them work together to compute the sound.
We start with a blank ChucK program, and add the following line of code: (by default, a ChucK program starts executing from the first instruction in the top-level (global) scope).

The above does several things. (1) it creates a new unit generator of type 'SinOsc' (sine oscillator), and store its reference in variable 's'. (2) 'dac' (D/A convertor) is a special unit generator (created by the system) which is our abstraction for the underlying audio interface. (3) we are using the ChucK operator (=>) to ChucK 's' to 'dac'. In ChucK, when one unit generator is ChucKed to another, we connect them. We can think of this line as setting up a data flow from 's', a signal generator, to 'dac', the sound card/speaker. Collectively, we will call this a 'patch'.
The above is a valid ChucK program, but all it does so far is make the connection (if we ran this program, it would exit immediately). In order for this to do what we want, we need to take care of one more very important thing: time. Unlike many other languages, we don't have to explicitly say 'play' to hear the result. In ChucK, we simply have to 'allow time to pass' for data to be computed. As we will see, time and audio data are both inextricably related in ChucK (as in reality), and separated in the way they are manipulated. But for now, let's generate our sine wave and hear it by adding one more line:Let's now run this (assuming you saved the file as ''):

The 60 ounces / 1800 ML mow decanter sommelier set made of high-quality glass, coming with a wild cherry wooden stopper, a drying stand, and a cleaning brush is the perfect addition to any wine enthusiast’s home. Mixologist. (Professions) jocular a person who serves drinks, esp cocktails, at a bar 2. (Electronics) music a person skilled at mixing sounds in recording or live performance Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014. Noun Usually Facetious. A person skilled in making mixed drinks; bartender. Mixology is a term used to describe the art of mixing cocktail drink recipes. According to the “Free Dictionary,” the definition of mixlogy is the study or skill of preparing mixed drinks. A mixologist is a person who mixes and invents cocktail drinks. All mixologist are.

This would cause the sound to play for 2 seconds, during which time audio data is processed (and heard), afterwhich the program exits (since it has reached the end). For now, we can just take the second line of code to mean 'let time pass for 2 seconds (and let audio compute during that time)'. If you want to play it indefinitely, we could write a loop:


In ChucK, this is called a 'time-loop' (in fact this is an 'infinite time loop'). This program executes (and generate/process audio) indefinitely. Try runnig this program.
IMPORTANT: perhaps more important than how to run ChucK is how to stop ChucK. To stop a ongoing ChucK program from the command line, hit (ctrl - c).
So far, since all we are doing is advancing time, it doesn't really matter (for now) what value we advance time by - (we used 2::second here, but we could have used any number of 'ms', 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', and even 'week'), and the result would be the same. It is good to keep in mind from this example that almosteverything in ChucK happens naturally from the timing.
Now, let's try changing the frequency randomly every 100ms:

This should sound like computer mainframes in old sci-fi movies. Two more things to note here. (1) We are advancing time inside the loop by 100::ms durations. (2) A random value between 30.0 and 1000.0 is generated and 'assigned' to the oscillator's frequency, every 100::ms.
Go ahead and run this (again replace with your filename):Play with the parameters in the program. change 100::ms to something else (like 50::ms or 500::ms, or 1::ms or perhaps 1::samp(every sample)), or change 1000.0 to 5000.0..
Run and listen:Once things work, hold on to this file - we will use it again soon.
Concurrency in ChucK:
Now let's write another (slightly longer) program: (these files can be found in the examples/ directory, so you don't have to type them in)Name this, and run it:

Chuck Miniaudicle

Now, make two copies of - and Make the following modifications. 1) change to advance time by 99::ms (instead of 100::ms). 2) change to advance time by 101::ms (instead of 100::ms). 3) optionally, change the 4000.0 to something else (like 400.0 for curly).
Run all three in parallel:

Chuck Miniaudicle

What you hear (if all goes well) should be 'phasing' between moe, larry, and curly, with curly emitting the lower-frequency pulses.
ChucK supports sample-synchronous concurrency, via the ChucK timing mechanism. Given any number of source files that uses the timing mechanism above, the ChucK VM can use the timing information to automatically synchronize all of them. Furthermore, the concurrency is 'sample-synchronous', meaning that inter-process audio timing is guaranteed to be precise to the sample. The audio samples generated by our three stooges in this examples are completely synchronized. Note that each process do not need to know about each other - it only has to deal with time locally. The VM will make sure things happen correctly and globally.
Moving forward:

For more detail on each particular aspect of the ChucK language and virtual machine environment, please see the language specification Slim browser free download for windows 7 free download.

ChuckChuck miniaudicle

A large collection of pre-made examples have been arranged and provided with this distribution in the /doc/examples directory, and are mirrored here