Phpstorm Lumen

PHPStorm automatic code re-format. 17th June 2019 26th April 2020. Intro This is going to be a quick one, promise. Lumen Swagger integration. 30th May 2019 26th. PestPHP has a plugin that adds support for using Pest inside of PhpStorm (written by Oliver Nybroe).This plugin adds conveniences to working with Pest, such as running a Pest test from the PhpStorm UI (like PHPUnit) and supports auto-completion. A few months ago I started a new job with a company with an existing API written in Lumen 5.2 and running on PHP 5.6. One of my goals is to upgrade the API to Lumen 5.5 (now that it's out) and PHP 7.1 (possibly 7.2 depending on timing). Beside rich features and ability for “rapid” web development, it has its own templating engine – Blade, and a sub-framework for PHP – Lumen, for coding APIs and other microservices. Check out a video introduction to Laravel community. Of course, both frameworks have many similarities. Lumen-like routes. I hope you are using at least PhpStorm because we are going to setup our project with Docker integrated tool on Windows 10.


Lots of PHP developers create their applications using Laravel, a free, open source PHP web application framework. It is built on top of several Symfony components, and provides a development framework that makes common tasks such as authentication, routing, sessions and caching much easier to implement.

Last summer, we introduced support for Blade, the template language used by Laravel. Support for artisan, the command line tool for Laravel developers, is baked into PhpStorm as well. Using the Laravel plugin and the Laravel IDE helper, we can further extend PhpStorm’s support for Laravel applications. Let’s see how!

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The Laravel IDE Helper

After making sure Composer is available for use in our project, we can install the Laravel IDE helper into our project using the Composer | Add dependency… context menu. We can search for barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper and click Install to download the package and add it to our project.

After registering the ‘BarryvdhLaravelIdeHelperIdeHelperServiceProvider’service provider in our application and running artisan ide-helper:generate, PhpStorm will have code completion support and syntax highlighting for many of Laravel’s facades.

The Laravel Plugin for PhpStorm


To further enhance the Laravel experience, we can also install the Laravel Plugin. Under Settings (Preferences) | Plugins, click the Browse repositories… button and search for Laravel. The Install plugin button will download and install the plugin into our IDE.

Restart the IDE and enable the plugin under Settings (Preferences) | Other Settings | Laravel Plugin | Enable Plugin for this Project. Premam telugu movie download hd. All of a sudden, PhpStorm will know what all Laravel facades do, and provide code completion for controllers, views, routes, configuration, translations and many other things!

There’s not only code completion… We can navigate to these items as well! Using Ctrl+Click (CMD+Click on Mac OS X) or Go To Declaration (Ctrl+B / CMD+B), PhpStorm will navigate us to where, for example, a configuration entry is declared.

Working in Blade templates? The Laravel plugin also enhances that experience, for example with code completion for @section directives.

Anxious to learn more? Check our Laravel tutorial, which covers getting PhpStorm ready for Laravel development, code completion, navigation, automatic code inspections, command line tool support, debugging and unit testing!

Are you a Laravel developer? Give PhpStorm 8 a try! We have an elaborate tutorial on Laravel support in PhpStorm which will help you get the most out of our IDE. Your feedback is very welcome through the issue tracker, by posting in the comments below, or in our forums!

Develop with pleasure!
– JetBrains PhpStorm Team

This config works for me with the following setup, YMMV

  • OSX El Capitain
  • PHPStorm 2016.2.1
  • Lumen 5.2
  • Homestead as of Lumen 5.2
    • php 7.0.8-2
    • Xdebug 2.4.0

Phpstorm Enable Xdebug

  • Ensure xdebug module is enabled in CLI and FPM: sudo phpenmod -s cli xdebugsudo phpenmod -s fpm xdebug
  • Add xdebug config to /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini and restart service
  • Add xdebug config to /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
  • Add environment variables and command aliases to ~/.bash_aliases, then log out and back in to affect changes

Phpstorm Lumen Calculator

Dialectical journalms. schrolls ela classes. Using Zero-Configuration Debugging

Phpstorm Lumens

  • Add Remote PHP interpreter (Global: should only need to be done once)
    • Vagrant option auto-configures mostly, /usr/bin/php for PHP interpreter path
    • Ensure PHPStorm sees your debugger (should read Xdebug 2.4.0 or similar)
  • Add homestead server (Per project)
    • Host: (vagrant host name)
    • Debugger: Xdebug
    • Use Path mappings: map project root to webserver root
  • Add artisan PHP Remote Debug configuration (Per project)
    • Server: homestead
    • ide key: artisan

Phpstorm Lumen Download

For chrome, install xdebug helper extensionFor other REST clients, you'll need to add the XDEBUG_SESSION_START parameter to your request manually, like so

  • Set breakpoints in PHPStorm as desired
  • Click Run->Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections
  • Optionally, check Run->Break At First Line in PHP Scripts to step into your code (this might be overkill for Laravel)
  • Interact with your code via cli (php artisan ..), REST client, or web browser (to debug controllers and such). Breakpoints should now be hit!
  • Click Run->Stop Listening for PHP Debug Connections to stop debugging and return your app to run normally.